Fishing Rainbow Trout in Lake Michigan | Salmon Chaser Charters

Catch your limit of Rainbow Trout with Salmon Chaser Charters
Fishing Rainbow Trout in Lake Michigan

Best time for fishing Rainbow Trout in Lake Michigan?

The best time for fishing Rainbow Trout is July through September.

Rainbow Trout Charters

The name “steelhead” refers to the steel‐blue color normally found on the head of the ocean-run rainbow trout. Lake-run rainbow trout are an extremely popular gamefish, aggressively taking baits and fighting hard at the surface, often leaping clear out of the water. 

Steelhead is an acrobatic fish, which makes them really fun to catch!!

Catch your limit of Rainbow Trout!

Charter customers always have a great time catching these fun fish! Remember the Salmon Chaser out of Kenosha, WI comes fully equipped with all the necessary rods, tackle, and a fully licensed Captain that loves to catch his limit on beautiful Lake Michigan.